Chemo Babes - Ashley Brinton

Ashley Brinton is an American Actress/Singer/Songwriter from Florida who has starred in a feature film, worked with a Grammy award winning producer, was a guest on the show Below Deck, and has had her songs on the Billboard charts.

But Ashley is also a cancer patient, fighting the hardest fight of her life, while also giving back and spreading good.

Ashley shared her incredible story and why she Spreads Good with us…


Three little words changed my life forever.

My name is Ashley Brinton and I am a leukemia survivor.

So when I was 20 years old I was diagnosed with CML. 

I was on tour living life of a musician when I got diagnosed and my entire life changed for good. 

I had been having symptoms for a really long time and ignoring them completely when I should’ve been taking care of myself.

So I had a random accident went into the hospital they ran standard blood tests for ER patients and when the results came back he said you look like a blood cancer patient with these numbers you need to follow up with an oncologist and I literally laughed in his face.

Next thing I know the oncologist is telling me I have cancer and I say “are you sure?!”

Disbelief to say the least.

After my diagnosis going to the hospital became a full-time job like it is for so many cancer patients.

I had a bone marrow biopsy the day I was diagnosed, no anesthesia!!!

And then I started treatment right away.

I have 3 blood draws every week.

I’ve underwent countless bone marrow biopsies.

I take countless pills and underwent the hardest period of my life.

I got so many weird rashes all over my body that were so painful and felt like burns.

That’s when I started my merch line with super soft material called Chemobabes.


I wanted to make really cute and comfortable merch so that way I could feel beautiful and not be in pain with all of the rashes when I went to the hospital.

I’ve gotten to meet so many amazing people through making Chemobabes and feel like we are really changing peoples lives.

I donate all of the proceeds back to City Of Hope and leukemia research!

I am 21 and 6 months into treatment and I know there will be a light at the end of the tunnel!”


Check out Chemobabes


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